Obadiah LaTourette Grist and Saw Mill
Built in 1750 by Philip Weise, the mill is currently being restored by the Washington Township Land Trust. Tours are given most Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Look for Mill Tour sign outside. Arrangements can be made for tours on other days by calling 908-876-4478.
12 East Mill Road
Long Valley, NJ 07853
Mailing address:
Washington Township Land Trust
P.O. Box 4
Long Valley, NJ 07853
Schooley’s Mountain County Park
Morris County NJ Park Commission Schooley’s Mountain Park Information
Patriot’s Path
“… The southerly section of the trail begins at the bottom of Schooley’s Mountain Road in Washington Township. where it continues for another 41/2 miles to the Hunterdon County Line. The trail continues through Ken Lockwood Gorge Wildlife Management Area and ends in the Village of High Bridge for a total of sixteen miles. Both the northern and southern sections of the trail parallel the South Branch of the Raritan River as it follows the rail bed of the former High Bridge branch of the Central Railroad of New Jersey. The main route of Patriots’ Path crosses Fairview Avenue and climbs a rough path up the southeast slope of Schooley’s Mountain County Park to a scenic lookout. Further west the trail continues for another mile through a developed section of Schooley’s Mountain County Park which has playing fields and picnic areas across Springtown Road and temporarily ending at Rock Road in Washington Township. …”
- Read the full Morris County NJ Park Commission Patriots’ Path General Information description.
- Trail Map